Cephel's Zootopia • Reimagining Zootopia through Interpretation, Expansion, and Speculation

Hello to anyone who watches this website for more than five attoseconds. This is a fun project I've been working on for the past week, where I reimagine Zootopia under my interpretations, expansions, and speculations - as the header already said.

I would bring up that there will be lots of constant changes to the site but honestly, who really cares to hear that? Let's get to discussing about this site, my goals of this site and the project, and how much I truly wish to devote myself into this. Click on any of the three boxes below to get started.

So what are my goals?

I have many goals in mind, one being to flesh out Zootopia as much as possible, and there's a lot of things to flesh out, expand, work around with, fix, anything! The opportunities are honestly limitless and truly, I do wish more people in the community got a bit more invested in the world and going beyond the common worldbuilding questions and theories the community usually has.

Another major goal is focusing on the fact we're looking at a world full of animals, by animals. Not an animal world with 99% human attributes. This means factors such as ideology, discrimination and worldviews will vary a lot depending on the species and mammals in and outside of Zootopia. Major factors such as discrimination, as shown in the movie, ARE NOT THE SAME AS HUMAN DISCRIMINATION.

It does not work through the lens of "this animal doesn't like this animal because this animal's a prey/predator". It's far more complicated than one may think. If we were to put it into simple terms, it's,

"These animals have been biologically set to accept that prey fears predator for hundreds and thousands of years, with some, if not many, mammals may still hold onto these ideals strongly. It may not be easy for mammals who have not been used to the progress of Zootopia or any other continent in the world where equality and progress have been made."

Remember, this is NOT racism (because mammals aren't humans, they're ANIMALS). This is usually called "speciesism". But speciesism is more than "Bunny is uncomfortable towards Fox". It's more on the notions of, "This bunny may not be used to the progress of preys making peace with predators, so they have very biased views towards their feelings around a species they've long accepted to be afraid of.". A bunny can even tolerate a fox, as long as they learn to understand that it's long been passed since predators feasted on prey.

Again, this is a very loose explanation. It will change overtime.

I don't want to blow more text, so let's work through four main goals via a bullet point.

• Fleshing out parts of Zootpia that has had little to no attention or a lack of actual scenes, i.e., being the Rainforest District, Tundratown - okay, practically every district, now that I think about it. Will primarily focus on expanding, rewriting, and reworking the Rainforest District and the Canal District.

• Bringing back the cancelled areas of Zootopia and working on expanding and utilizing what was left off. An example is the Nocturnal District and the Docks.

• Rewriting canon parts of the movie. Main parts being the whole issue with the poorly placed Nighthowlers plot, the shoehorned, last minute addition of Bellwether being a terribly placed twist villain that was as expected as a bowling ball falling into a pool and it drowning, and the surface level understanding of prejudice in an animal world and tying racial discrimination between humans with whole entire different species. And by rewrite, I mean implementing these event a bit better in my world of Zootopia.

• Extending outside of Zootopia such as including entirely different continents that're similar to Zootopia's means of development but different in culture, how they percieve discrimination, how they work through accomodations, etc.

• Nick and Judy don't exist in my world. It's my world. I do whatever I wish.

Here are some buttons to click. You know which one does what; the buttons literally let you know.

➡ Bullet Point List
➡ Exploring the Rainforest District and its Subdistricts
➡ Examining what could've been the Nocturnal District
➡ Areas outside Zootopia?
➡ Population Differences between the Districts of Zootopia
➡ Continents outside Zootopia: Expanding the Mammalian World
➡ Zootopian Characters Reimagined